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MySQL optimisations for high performance

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9.10.2015 22:47
Počet přečtení: 552
How to tune tune MySQL databases and queries.

Deferred join

  • useful for deep paging (loading rows from highest offset)
  • using a covering index to retrieve just the primary key columns of the rows you’ll eventually retrieve
  • the difference against the normal SELECT is that we don't load the additional (=non-covering index) data before sorting 
  • example on Stackoverflow


SELECT firstName, children FROM people
    SELECT id FROM people
    WHERE children > 0
    ORDER BY children DESC
    LIMIT 0, 10000
) s
ON people.id = s.id
ORDER BY children DESC 

Vytvořil 9. října 2015 ve 23:25:20 mira. Upravováno 7x, naposledy 22. října 2015 ve 22:25:03, mira

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