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Maven packaging

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20.3.2016 12:54
Počet přečtení: 775
Obrázek ke článku Maven packagingRules for jar pacakging with Maven.

Print dependency tree of the project:

mvn dependency:tree -Dverbose

Building rules:

  • Maven chooses the appropriate version of artifact when there is a conflict
  • artifacts marked as provided are not packed into the project
  • two options of output: one fat jar with all dependencies or simple jar and the directory with dependencies in jars

There is no guarantee that stated version will be loaded - it depends on the executor (see TODO)

Local configuration

  • settings.xml file (global in ${maven.home}/conf/ or user's in ~/.m2)
  • repositories settings - should be used for secrets (username, password), but repositories themselves should be defined in pom.xml files
Vytvořil 20. března 2016 ve 13:00:26 mira. Upravováno 8x, naposledy 26. srpna 2017 v 08:28:14, mira

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