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File thumbnails in Gnome/Ubuntu

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10.2.2019 23:15
Počet přečtení: 303
Obrázek ke článku File thumbnails in Gnome/UbuntuHow does the thumbnails generating work on Ubuntu.
  • thumbnails are stored in `~/.cache/thumbnails` folder in `normal` or `large` subfolders
  • thumbnail for file from path `/path/file.jpg` is stored in `~/.cache/thumbnails/large/<hash>.png`, where `hash` can be computed as: `echo -n 'file:///path/file.jpg' | md5sum`
  • thumbnails are generated just when file thumbnails are needed
  • thumbnails for certain file types are generated by *thumbnailers* set in `/usr/share/thumbnailers`. To check thumbnails for certain data type, run `cat /usr/share/thumbnailers/* | grep mytype`
  • thumbnailer for image file types is `libgdk-pixbuf2.0-bin` - if no thumbnails are generated for image types, check whether this debian package is installed on the system
Vytvořil 10. února 2019 ve 23:24:51 mira. Upravováno 3x, naposledy 10. února 2019 ve 23:29:25, mira

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