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Apache Software Foundation management rules

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28.3.2016 08:06
Počet přečtení: 669

Obrázek ke článku Apache Software Foundation management rulesHow does the development work in ASF?

  • meritocracy - when community group things you deserve to be part of it, they add you
  • community hierarchy: user < developer < commiter, PMC (Project Management Committee) member < PMC chair < ASF member
  • do-ocracy - power of those who implements something
  • project must have at least three active independent commiters (independent - not from the same company etc.)
  • decision making: community is voting on web, negative votes must be explained and alternative proposal must be mentioned, then consensus must be found

Rules on ASF page

Vytvořil 28. března 2016 v 08:19:54 mira. Upravováno 1x, naposledy 28. března 2016 v 10:06:25, mira

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